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Create non-rectangular form

07 Mar 15 - 20:06

Create non-rectangular form

Download Create non-rectangular form

Download Create non-rectangular form

Date added: 08.03.2015
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Jul 18, 2005 - To create a non-rectangular form, the first step is to create an image that will be used for your background. You can use any program to create

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create form non-rectangular

Dec 22, 2004 - In this article, I will show you different ways to create a non rectangular form which will make your application more attractive and will not waste Previously, creating non-rectangular forms was a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that involved API calls and extensive programming efforts. This is Mar 14, 2003 - There actually are at least two different ways to create a non-rectangular Windows Form. The MSDN article, How to: Create Nonrectangular

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Mar 26, 2011 - Is there any way of creating no rectangular window form, such as Form has Region property and you can assign there any shape that you it use to create non-rectangular forms in vb.net projects. Learn how to create custom shaped non-rectangular Windows Form in C# with Form Regions. Use the .Net Framework's included classes to create stunning The way to create non-rectangular forms, that is forms with irregular shapes and transparent parts, with some level of translucency is through the use of a new May 24, 2014 - 3 DisableAlign / EnableAlign; 4 Creating a non-rectangular window or program codedgui; {$MODE DELPHI}{$H+} uses Interfaces, Forms,Feb 17, 2012 - Question 1: To allow a form to be moved when dragging its client area, you need to tell the window manager to treat the client area as if it were the

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